What The Bride Is Wearing

The Idea: About 20 minutes into the bridal shower, test your guests’ observation skills with this fun little game.

Ground work: Get pieces of paper and pens/ pencils for each guest.

How to Play: Without letting on that they’ll be tested later, begin the party as planned. Then, once everyone has had a chance to greet the bride and is just getting settled into the party, have the bride leave the room. Give each guest a piece of paper and pencil and have them list out everything they can possibly remember about what the bride is wearing, scent inclusive. Listing as many details as possible. You can make it more fun by having your guests draw a picture of the bride in her shower outfit.

Bring the bride back in and have each person read his or her neighbor’s list out loud, the guest that accurately lists the most items wins! In the case of the picture, hand out the drawing sheets to the bride and have her choose her favourite drawing.

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