Caught In The Middle

The Idea: In any other situation, getting caught with blindfolds and paper bags might be a risqué predicament. With this game, it’s just good, clean fun.

Ground work: Grab several brown lunch bags and put something in them (e.g. make-up, food, clothing items and accessories). Make sure you also have some music.

How to Play: Have everybody sit in a circle. Start some music and pass a bag around. When the music stops, the person with the bag must go to the center along with the person who handed the bag over. Both are blindfolded before the contents of the bag are revealed.

The guest with the bag must do something to the other person with the object (e.g. feed him or her food; put make-up, clothing or accessories on). This gets especially hilarious when neither has an idea of what the object is has!

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