Pass The Presents

The Idea: Who says only the bride and groom should get all the gifts? With this fast-paced, interactive game, every guest has a shot at getting a very special gift.

Ground work: Before the shower, wrap up two or three gifts in decorative wrapping paper. For a small party, you can wrap up only one gift.

How to Play: When it’s game time, have everyone sit in a circle. Give each gift to a random person in the circle or for a playful group, put the gifts in the center and have all guests grab for one on the count of three.

Then, tell the guests to listen closely as you read them a special wedding story (feel free to customize the example posted below).

Each time they hear the word “right,” the guests must pass the gifts one person to the right; when they hear “left,” the gifts move one person to the left. The key to this game is to start reading at a normal storytelling pace. Then, as everyone starts to get comfortable passing the gifts, speed up! The faster you go, the more intense and hilarious the gift passing gets. Guests holding gifts at the end, win!

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